Friday, January 13, 2006


Oh my goodness! I am so sick of Georgetown, I don't even know what to do with myself! I went through a couple weeks there where the college scene seemed extremely scary but I just recently found my roommate and I am thrilled! Whitney and I have been in a lot of classes together but we really don't know each other all that it won't be like rooming with a best friend and then turning out to hate eachother :) Anyway, I'm so excited i just can't stand it. I want to get in my car right this very minute, drive to rock hill, and never come home!


sis said...

Jed, it is so exciting that you are so excited for college! I'm glad that you worked things out regarding a roommate. I'm sure that will make it a lot easier to look forward to this fall without being so nervous. This fall seems to mark many new beginnings.

We all know what mine and Jed's are, what about Amy and Kristin? Maybe Amy will be pregnant? What about you Krisser? Your new job perhaps? Does the restaurant open this summer/fall?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessie,
I'm so excited for you. I know the last semester of high school is always the toughest. Just make the most of the time you have now because you'll cherish the memories later... like your last prom. But, you'll make even better memories in college, and you'll be out of Georgetown!!! Love you cutie,
