Connect Four
Hey isn't it about time we started this back up again???? I think so! I miss you guys and I am bummed that we dont' get to do the big Griswold Family Christmas again but there is always next year! (my house?????) OK...hopefully this works. I have been having issues with this thing!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Connect Four
Posted by sis at 7:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 18, 2006
I am officially a college studen! I made it to Rock Hill...everything went very smoothly, and I'm absolutely thrilled to be here! Yay!!
Posted by sis at 8:59 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Hello again. I must admit that I've been doing a very poor job of keeping the blog updated. We're now at the end of Sorrento trip and about to move on to Rome tomorrow afternoon. Sorrento had probably been close to my favorite place so far. We are right on the coast of the mediterranean, and it's absolutely gorgeous...nothing like the beach at home that everyone rants and raves about. Today was extremely busy and filled with all types of traveling. We started off this morning taking a bus to the Meta station and then got on a train to pompei--definitely a huge tourist attraction but wonderful to be in the midst of so many Americans. We walked miles and miles across the ancient ruins in the extreme heat with very little shade and not very much water (at least not cold water--ice isn't very common here). but it was actually very amazing, obviously filled with tons of history. it actually made me feel like i should have been studying before i went so i would know what all i was seeing. that seems to be one of the themes of this trip: not having a clue what we're looking at but knowing that it's something really important. After we finished at pompei, we got back on the train and rode down to sorrento. from there we hopped on a hydro-foil (big, fast boat) and rode along the coast to positano. The ride alone was worth the trip, even though positano was thoroughly incredible as well. as soon as we get home, i'll have to post some of the amazing pictures we took. Anyway, we're now back in surrento, planning to spend an actual night out since we don't have such a rigid schedule tomorrow (perhaps an english pub? we did't actually make it to one while we were in london). So, wish us luck finding out way around rome tomorrow, and please continue to keep us in your prayers!
bunches of love,
Posted by sis at 11:28 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 22, 2006
hello from italy!
hello everyone! sorry it's taken me this long to post something about our trip. we've had a terrible time trying to find internet cafes since we were in london. anyway, everything has been going very smoothly so was absolutely incredible, and italy has been amazing. i wish i had time to go into detail about some of the insane/hilarious adventures heather and i have had since arriving in italy, but i do believe that my time on this computer is about to expire. i mainly wanted everyone to know that we are safe and surviving the challenges of the trip with some wonderful triumphs. heather has been absolutely brilliant with this whole italian business, and we've gotten really good at figuring out how to buy train tickets. anyway...i miss you all. we're thinking about you lots. keep praying for us...especially that we get on our flights back to to everyone soon!
much love,
Posted by sis at 7:33 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
87 days to June 02, 2006! Yes,I am counting down, and yes, I am well on my way to being severely infected with senioritis. I'm trying to break up this semester into 3 sections. March is the month of many scholarships (i find out about teaching fellows on the 10th), so if I can measure this month by how many deadlines I have left to meet, then it should go by fairly quickly. Prom is the first or second weekend in April, and right after prom is Spring Break...the last couple of weeks should begin all of our senior meetings, academic awards banquets and honor society initiations. Once we hit May, time will fly...thank goodness! Senior awards, baccaleureate and graduation are all within a week of each other. But for now, i'm still sitting in good old Georgetown counting the days until i'm galavanting across Europe!
Posted by sis at 9:16 AM 1 comments
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Betty Lives
Mmm...let's see, I'm not sure if I've told any of you about my recent car troubles, but it should make for an interesting story. Betty has always had some odd little quirks since I've had her, but she's never given me a lot of trouble. Last weekend when I was up in Myrtle Beach, she decides that she's not going to start...for anything. Thankfully, we had a group of about 20 people with us and we were lucky enough to have a few guys who knew (or pretended to know) some of what they were doing. Well, we got her started and all was well...we stood around the car and cheered, and then headed off to the restaurant. Sticky Fingers is right next to the mall, so we didn't even need to get on to the main road and it's a good thing we didn't! I was driving along happily when we went over a speedbumb...the lights in the car flashed and the automatic locks went on and off...we rolled a stop sign and betty died. As I was flipping out, not knowing what to do, Morgan told me to put it in park and try and start it again, and it actually i kept on driving toward the restaurant. In my distress, i missed the turn and ended up driving the wrong way down a one way street and almost ran into the cement median in the process. That was great fun. After that night, she hadn't given me any trouble. We drove home and she was just as "healthy" as can be...until tuesday. I was already late for essay wasn't saving to my computer and our printer was out of ink, so I was leaving without my essay that was due that day and i was leaving much later than normal. Well, i was crusing along, listening to the radio. I got in the turn lane at a major intersection (lots of traffic) and all of a sudden, I heard the automatic locks go on and off, and poor little betty died again...this time at a green light with a big semi-truck behind me and cars backed up down the street. It took two police officers and a trucker to push me across the street to a tire place where i waited for don to come and pick me up. Betty had to be towed to the mechanic and they ended up replacing the alternator. When I got her back on Friday, I was thrilled. I hadn't realized how much I depended on that car. I had plans to go up to the beach that evening after work, so when 5:00 came, I was out of that office as fast as i could be. Sadly enough, betty died for the third time in the Nationwide parking lot. Fortunately, Don is related to everyone in Georgetown somehow or another, and the mechanic was his first cousin, so they came and rescued us...I'm not sure what he did, but I had her back thirty minutes later and haven't had any trouble since. Yay! My poor little car has survived!
Posted by sis at 5:49 PM 3 comments
Monday, January 16, 2006
The New House
I though it was about time I posted some pictures of the new house. It's really strange being back in Indiana where hardly anybody knows I'm moving. Big things, like this house, are happening and I don't have anyone to share them with. I keep having dreams that it is the last day of school and I stil haven't told anyone and then right before the final bell rings I tell my kids, "By the way, I'm not coming back next year." It's all very strange.
Anyway, Doug and Stan and Amy and I drove by the house this weekend and it is starting to feel real. Doesn't it look like a grown-up's house? Despite the fact that I'm practically 30 (it's looming okay?) I sometimes find it hard to believe that I'm really a grown up. I think this move seals the deal.
Anyone else watching the Golden Globes tonight? I should be boycotting them because Lauren Graham was denied yet again, but I'll watch nonetheless.
Posted by sis at 12:38 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 13, 2006
Oh my goodness! I am so sick of Georgetown, I don't even know what to do with myself! I went through a couple weeks there where the college scene seemed extremely scary but I just recently found my roommate and I am thrilled! Whitney and I have been in a lot of classes together but we really don't know each other all that it won't be like rooming with a best friend and then turning out to hate eachother :) Anyway, I'm so excited i just can't stand it. I want to get in my car right this very minute, drive to rock hill, and never come home!
Posted by sis at 6:13 AM 2 comments