Friday, October 21, 2005

Christmas Plans

So I was wondering if we all wanted to chip in and buy a pre-paid cell phone for Grandma and Grandpa this year. I thought they might need one and that way they aren't stuck with a plan they won't use etc. If anyone is interested let me know.

Be prepared, you are all going to have some Martha Stewart-esque gifts this year. They aren't lame. I promise. Nothing like the magic towel and silly socks Christmas...Amy I know you loved that monkey puppet despite what you say!

Can we please do burritos on Christmas Eve? I am assuming that the coffee cake is a given on Christmas morning. Amy let me know what we can get for Stan in the way of Bronco gear and are there any microbrews he misses that he can't get in WI? Heather...we have no idea what to get for Doug. Any ideas on the in-laws would be appreciated! Jessica, thanks for putting a list up...that will help a lot! Do we want to "draw names" to get Christmas Jammies for each other? I thought it might be fun so we can all wear our new pj's to bed on Christmas eve...and jeddy red reddy...we will call to make sure you have yours on too! ( I wish you were coming! ) Amy, do you have TABOO or do I need to bring it with me? Ken will also want to play prepared. He may pack his Dale Earnhardt Monopoly board. ( you don't need to say it I already know...IF YOU OWN A DALE EARNHARDT MONOPOLY GAME...YOU MIGHT BE A REDNECK!)

NOVEMBER 18 is when Harry Potter~The Goblet of Fire comes out in theaters! Ken and I will be there! I can't wait for it to come out! I saw a preview for it today and it looks great even without the old Dumbledore. (the new one is lame). The one bizarre thing is that apparently there are no barbers in Hogwarts. Harry and Ron have hair that reminds me of Uncle Jesse's twins on Full House! It's long and shaggy not at all flattering.

Otherwise, not a lot going on here. I miss you all!!!!!!!!!!!



hr said...

Hey friends,

I started a wish list at Amazon. You don't have to buy the items there, but they seem to have everything so I thought it would be a good place to get ideas. You should be able to enter my name and find it.

I'd be happy to do a name exchange for pajamas.

Anonymous said...

I'm all in for the name exchange for PJs. Kristin, why don't you pick the names and post them. I think I'll do the same thing with Amazon, that makes it easy for everyone. Great idea Heather. I can't believe that Christmas is less then 2 months away. Time flys so fast.
I love you all

Anonymous said...

Well kids,
I did the name exchange without Jessica because she says she has no money to spend on pj's. I told her we would send a pair her way. The name exchange goes as follows:
Kristin buys for amy
Amy buys for Heather
Heather buys for Kristin

If the boys would like to do the same I did names for them too. Ken said he is game if they are...teehee

Ken buys for Stan
Stan buys for Doug
Doug buys for Ken

I am going to go onto amazon to post my wish list...although you seem to have already purchased gifts...just in case. HEather I still would like some imput for doug ideas. Amy said to get him a this a good idea?

hr said...

Because my husband is NOT an "ubersexual" he probably would love a manicure, however I can probably think of some other things. I will also need help with Ken and Stan.

sis said...

help with ken, anything steelers, nascar (earnhardt stuff only!) ummm he loves the blue collar comedy stuff...yet doesn't have any of the dvds. Anything Texas Hold 'em related. I am going to get him either a dremmel tool or a guitar so anything that would coincide with either of those gifts would be good, but ask me because I may find a package thing where I can get accessories. Amy, if I order the guitar from the web can I have it shipped to your house so he won't find it??? thanks!