Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Drawing

Okay ladies, I have spent most of my day trying to draw self-portraits for my class tomorrow night and have finally produced one that didn't end up in the fireplace. Check it out on my blog. I will have much to post later about life changing decisions, but for now I've got to get on with the rest of the assignments for my class and get ready for school tomorrow. As for Christmas lists, I have a feeling that as far as clothes requests I may be asking for those suited to a colder climate. J

Jessica are you out there?


Anonymous said...

I like the drawing it looks remarkably like you. but more importantly...are you two moving? I should have said you What is going on????? I am dying of curiousity. ok...i have to go soon. ken and I borrowed LOST on dvd from a friend of ours and I am gonna miss the next episode.


hr said...

I really need more praise for this drawing folks!

Anyway, at this point we have no idea whether to not we're moving. It is certainly more of a possibility than it was a couple of weeks ago, but we have nothing official yet from TTX and... I emailed the principal at the school that I would love to work for just to get more information, set up a chance to look at the school etc and have not heard anything back in 3 days. I'm trying not to read TOO much into that, but it was sort of the hope I was clinging to in terms of my career aspirations.

In summary -- we don't know.

Anonymous said...

what is TTX...where are you looking at???? let me know I am dying with anticipation
