Thursday, October 13, 2005

I'm here!

Hey everyone! yes, i'm out just took me a while to get "in the mood" for the whole blogging thing. Not a whole lot is going on. I got a new job, working in an insurance office doing some secretarial stuff. I'm going to be really upset to leave all my babies at the daycare, but this job was a lot more practical--less hours, more money, plus good experience, and it looks great on a resume.
School is going well. I'm finishing up government next week. Hallelujiah (can't spell that, sorry)! I'm just about to send off my Teaching Fellows application and I'm taking the ACT for the third and FINAL time next saturday, so please be praying for everything go well. i said, there's not a whole lot going on, but there's a brief update, and I figured that I needed to 'blog' something at one point or another. I hope I did it right.
I love you guys!!


hr said...

I'm SO happy to see you here! I miss you and I love "hearing" your voice through the blogosphere. I'll be thinking of you and praying for you for the ACT tomorrow. I know you'll do great. I'm also really excited that you've followed through with the Teaching Fellows application. You go girl! :-)

I know how hard it is to say good-bye to the kiddos. I cried buckets when I left Little Bloomers. Hopefully this insurance gig will turn out well.

Say hi to Bertha the Amethyst Buick for me!

Love you to infinity and beyond!